
Populated by news and analysis on a daily basis, the Commercial Risk platform provides an excellent online channel for advertisers.
Run of Site
With a variety of ad sizes offered, run of site allows you to serve your brand’s ads across desktop, tablet and mobile ad units on This is an ideal tactic for increasing brand awareness and reaching a broad audience. Ads can serve next to breaking news articles, in-depth coverage, infographics, opinion pieces and executive profiles. Run of site ads can be geotargeted, daypart targeted, and audience targeted.
First impression takeover
This is a high-impact takeover of all available website ad units for each unique users’ first page view for a fix period (capped at 1 impression per user). This tactic is ideal for highlighting important messaging or promotional timing. For additional impact, we offer an interstitial ad that serves on top of the page content for 10 seconds. This ad size achieves our highest CTRs.
Targeting opportunities
All advertisements on are contextually targeted, providing the opportunity for your brand to run adjacent to relevant insurance industry content.