Key Information

CRE Weekly Digest
Weekly newsletter providing European news and analysis to an international audience, primarily based in Europe.
18,500 delivered every Thursday.
Leaderboard and MPU advertisements are available in high impact positions.
Commercial Risk Europe Journal
Special print editions, often also published in local language, timed to coincide with distribution at the major European risk manager gatherings.
Commercial Risk Europe
online hub with easy navigation to Regions and Local language news content.
Conference digital & print show dailies | CR Europe
European Risk Management conference show dailies
Commercial Risk Europe has been covering the AMRAE, AIRMIC, GVNW and FERMA annual conferences since 2010 and for 2023 we will provide extensive coverage of the conferences in both English and the local language.
With intense competition at these events for risk managers’ attention, making an impact is more important than ever. Our conference digital & print daily news programme offers a unique opportunity for the industry’s most innovative companies to stand out from the crowd and highlight their expertise.
Please contact us for pricing and technical specifications.